Personal values examples to Help You Find Good employee

Personal values examples ​​are the foundation of a good employee. You must not make the mistake of missing out on an opportunity to show that you have what it takes to be successful at work, as well as possessing the personal traits companies value. So, to help you understand the personal values ​​most known and sought after in the professional environment, let’s give some examples and explanations about each one of them.

Doing more than expected at work is a good way to show the company that you use time management skills and don’t waste valuable company time dealing with personal, non-work related issues.

Personal values examples

Values ​​of a person, reliability and responsibility

Employers value employees who work on time and who are there when they are supposed to be and are accountable for their actions and behavior.

It is important to keep the company abreast of changes to your schedule or if you are running late for any reason. It also means keeping your supervisor in the loop on where you are on any projects you’re assigned to.

Being reliable and responsible as an employee shows your employer that you value your work and that you are responsible for keeping projects up to date and keeping them informed of things they should always know.

A positive attitude is high on the list of personal values

Employers look for employees who take initiative and have the motivation to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time. A positive attitude gets the job done and motivates others to do the same without dwelling on the challenges that inevitably come with any task.

It is the enthusiastic employee who creates an environment of goodwill and who provides a positive role model for others. A positive attitude is something that is most appreciated by supervisors and co-workers and also makes the environment more pleasant and fun every day.

The personal value of adaptability

Employers look for employees who are adaptable and maintain the flexibility to complete tasks in an ever-changing workplace. Being open to change and improvement provides an opportunity to complete work tasks more efficiently, offering additional benefits to the corporation, the customer, and even the employee.

While employees often complain that changes in the workplace don’t make sense or make their work difficult, many times these complaints are due to a lack of flexibility.

Adaptability also means adapting to the personality and work habits of colleagues and supervisors. Each person has their own unique set or strengths, and adapting personal behaviors to accommodate others is part of what it takes to work effectively in a team. By viewing change as an opportunity to complete work tasks more efficiently, adapting to change can be a positive experience. New strategies, ideas, priorities and work habits can promote a belief among workers that the team and staff are committed to making the workplace a better place to work.

Personal values examples

Honesty and integrity are also important personal values

Employers value employees who maintain a sense of honesty and integrity above all else. Good relationships are based on trust. When working for an employer, they want to know they can trust what you say and what you do.

Successful companies work to earn their customers’ trust and maintain the “customer is always right” attitude. It is each person’s responsibility to use their own individual sense of moral and ethical behavior when working and serving others in the context of their work.

Self-motivation is very sought after by companies in their employees

Employers look for employees who require little supervision and direction to get the job done in a timely and professional manner. Supervisors who hire self-motivated employees are doing themselves a huge favor. Self-motivated employees require very little direction from their supervisors. Once a self-motivated employee understands their job responsibility, they will do so without any prompting from others.

Employers can do their part by providing a safe and supportive work environment that gives employees the opportunity to learn and grow. Working in a supportive work environment and taking the initiative to go it alone will give employees a better sense of accomplishment as well as increased self-esteem.

The personal value of being motivated to grow and learn

In an ever-changing workplace, employers are looking for employees who are interested in keeping up with new developments and knowledge in the field. It is observed that one of the main reasons why employees leave their employers is the lack of opportunities for career development within the organization.

Learning new skills, techniques, methods and/or theories through professional development helps keep the organization at the top of its field and makes the employee’s job more interesting and exciting. Keeping up with current changes in the field is vital to success and increased job security.

Strong self confidence

Personal values examples

Self-confidence has been recognized as the key ingredient between someone who is successful and someone who is not. A self-confident person is someone who inspires others. A self-assured person isn’t afraid to ask questions about topics they feel they need more knowledge on. They feel little need to impress others with what they know, as they are comfortable with it and don’t feel like they need to know everything.

The self-assured person does what he/she feels is right and is willing to take risks. Self-confident people can also admit their mistakes. They recognize their strengths and weaknesses and are willing to work on them. Self-confident people have faith in themselves and their abilities which manifests in their positive attitude and outlook on life.

Professionalism as a personal value

Employers value employees who exhibit professional behaviors at all times. Professional behavior includes learning all aspects of a job and doing it to the best of your abilities. Professionals look, talk and dress to maintain an image of someone who takes pride in their behavior and appearance. Professionals complete projects as quickly as possible and prevent incomplete projects from piling up.

Professionals complete high quality work and are detail oriented. Professional behavior includes all of the above behavior as well as providing a positive role model for others. Professionals are enthusiastic about their work and optimistic about the organization and its future. To become a pro, you must feel like a pro, and following these tips is a great start to getting where you want to go.

Employers value employees they can trust and who display their loyalty to the company . Loyalty in the workforce has taken on new meaning. Gone are the days when employees plan to start and retire with the same company. They say most people will have between 8 to 12 jobs over the course of their career. What does this mean in terms of loyalty in today’s workforce?

Companies that offer employee growth and opportunity will ultimately elicit a sense of loyalty from their employees. Employees today want to feel a sense of satisfaction in their jobs and will do a good job when they feel the employer is fair and wants to see them succeed. While this may only mean staying five or ten years in a position, employees can offer loyalty and make an important contribution during their time with the company.

More companies today encourage employee feedback and offer them the opportunity to lead in their area of ​​expertise. This gives employees a greater sense of satisfaction and a sense of control over their work . Empowerment encourages employees to do their best work, as companies are exhibiting a trust and expectation that they believe in their employees to do a good job.

Offering jobs that encourage learning and developing new skills also gives employees a sense of empowerment in the workplace. Aligning employee values ​​with the organization’s goals will promote loyalty and bonding between employer and employee. Promoting good relations within an organization and offering constructive ways to deal with conflicts provides a win-win situation for both employer and employee.

Creating an organization that values ​​loyalty can also work to your benefit by using the same techniques and strategies to establish customer loyalty. And customer loyalty ultimately makes a business successful.

What other personal values ​​do you know? Which do you think are the most important?


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